Erectile Dysfunction

Is There a Cure for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Health and Fitness Relationships

Managing the issues of penis dysfunction (if it is happening due to hormonal difficulties, or distress, or maybe panic) will demand somewhat more participation and energy, but well, it is worth it without any doubt. You will realize that your penis problem is significantly getting better or going away entirely as you are getting rid of the underlying health issues, outwardly requiring available Erectile Dysfunction (ED) drugs such as Cenforce 100mg, Fildena 100, Super P Force, Kamagra 100, Tadalista, etc.

Seldom though, Erectile Dysfunction occurs due to the mix of several elements. Getting rid of one problem or managing a different issue might not resolve the complications of ED altogether if other circumstances are at the action. In such an event, your professional caretaker will need to understand moreclear version of the current issue of your ED to comprehend what is happening in your body.

Treatable Conditions OF Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Side Effects From Taking ED Drugs

Pills that are responsible for producing ED as a side effect serve no less than 25% of all ED cases that have been reported. The most significant reasons include a certain type of raised blood pressure medicines known as diuretics, a few antidepressants (particularly SSRIs and SNRIs), certain drugs available for treating indigestion, some antihistamines pills, and a few types of painkillers. Parkinson’s prescriptions, a few chemotherapies, and a number of prostate cancer medications would be responsible for the occurrence of ED, but at a lower level.

Recreational Pills and The Use of Nicotine

You may assume that abundant usage of alcohol, methadone, amphetamines, pot, cocaine, heroin, or barbiturates may be helpful in the occurrence of confidence while having sex and attaining higher sexual arousal, but the fact is very much on the contrast: these types of substances are actually going to make your sex life much more challenging and difficulties in getting and keeping a long-lasting erection. So, you may want to get rid of the sidenafil generic Viagra.They are only going to lead you to a regretting outcome.


Obesity and too much fat are a reason behind reason erectile dysfunction appears and it can even increase your risk for type 2 diabetes, raised blood pressure, and even cause high-level cholesterol, all of these are the reasons why ED takes place. You must know that excessive fat results in the lowered testosterone levels. A Low testosterone level will affect the sexual urge and the capacity to sustain an erection as well.

 Imbalance in the Hormones

Handling the issues related to hormone inequality could result in the improvement of relevant ED indications. For instance, according to a study conducted in 2004, the analysis was performed on 51 men that suffered from ED caused because of the high level of prolactin present in the body which determined that sexual capacity and lowering testosterone levels developed when the high level of prolactin was treated for over a period of more than 6 months.

 If You Suffer From Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

ED that haso ccurred due to the side effect of obstructive sleep apnea can possibly be repealed. Verifying this, a study was conducted in 2013 of male individuals that suffered from OSA and ED. The study revealed that therapy with an overnight breathing mask (CPAP) to increase low blood oxygen levels results in the improvement of sexual capacity.

Cerebral or Emotional Problems

The mind is known to play a vital role in starting the physical means that result in the formation of an erection. This is why performance-related stress, traumatic previous sex encounters, relationship troubles, tension, nervousness, and sadness all these will result in erectile dysfunction. In a lot of instances, ED will be caused as a consequence of both subconscious and bodily wellness concerns.

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Heightened Cholesterol Levels in Men

A higher level of cholesterol in your blood and body will certainly damage the hemoglobin vessels, which are inclusive of those present in your penis, and result in Erectile Dysfunction.

As per a study conducted in 2014 meta-analysis of 11 medicinal experiments, male individuals with increased levels of cholesterol and penis dysfunction took statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) such as atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, and simvastatin witnessed a 25% growth in the erectile capacity, irrespective of the age group of those men.


If you are on a regular bike and do it often and are also going through ED-related problems, make some manageable alterations to your bicycle seat which may result in the improvement of your ED effects. Many affected bikers that suffer from ED must take wide seats with no nose and shall ensure that the bike seat has been set at the correct height and has not been kept tilted up. Experimentation confirms this: In an extensive German study of 2002 it was discovered that wide seats will result in better health results as compared to narrow ones.

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