Cool Drawing Tips

10 Cool Drawing Tips To Prepare For An Architectural School

Arts and Entertainment

Cool Drawing Tips

You are a high school student, you plan to study architecture and you have understood that cool drawing is an undeniable asset for being recruited into an architecture school, the blog of the architectural preparation Archi Prep ‘offers you ten tips that will allow you to improve your pencil stroke.

  1. Draw as soon as you can

Learning to draw and architecture go hand in hand. Therefore, the first and the best advice is to draw a lot, whenever you want and can. It is about practicing as much as possible to train your eye to capture all the nuances and your hand to loosen up to put all your talent on paper. All your sketches and essays will constitute your portfolio, which will evolve as you learn how to draw pikachu.

  1. Respect the plans and proportions

A credible cool drawing must necessarily respect the different plans and proportions to achieve an apprenticeship in cool drawing and architecture. It is necessary to practice working the shots and in particular the foreground. Pay special attention to proportions and stick to your model, to ensure a cohesive design, which could effectively be incorporated into your portfolio.

  1. Dare to be simple

Work on the simplicity of your architectural drawings. They should bring out the safety of the line and the logical spirit in the organization of your sketch. The objects presented; the material used must remain simple to allow you to develop your interpretation. The complexity will come with learning and experience, possibly through a preparatory competition from schools of architecture.

  1. Shell the object of your cool drawing ideas

To represent your object well, draw it in stages. You have an overview, and it can happen to think that we will never be able to reproduce everything faithfully. But if you break down all the elements of your object, split them up, and reproduce them one after the other, just following the lines that the object sends back to you, you will see that everything will be simpler. No more anxiety in front of the whole, each step allows you to complete your objectives. The lines will allow you to bring it to life on paper as you go.

  1. Take the time to work on your drawing ideas

Don’t be in a hurry, a good architectural drawing takes time, patience, and work. Thus, for quality architectural drawing ideas, the sketch is essential. It is also a step in its own right, which will be paid to you as an architect, during competitions for the realization of large-scale projects. It is the sketch that serves as the basis for the choice of sponsors for the architect who will have the chance to carry out the defined work. So, take care of this step now, it is essential in the eventual framework of study in architecture!

  1. Work on perspective

Perspective gives all its dynamics to your cool drawing and its credibility; it is the basis of organization in architecture. It is about working on the control of volumes by the technique of distance points and vanishing points. The more you work on this technique, the more your cool drawings will be mastered and realistic and bring a particular light to your object. Here again, our preparation in architecture school accompanies you and teaches you the method of how to draw spiderman.

  1. Focus on quality over quantity

Indeed, the juries will be more sensitive to a few careful cool drawings, where the volumes, the arrangement of the drawing ideas, the perspective are made in a precise, logical, and coherent way, too many sketches where the technique does not seem mastered, even sloppy. Quality production takes time, so it makes perfect sense to show only the best designs, and therefore show less.

  1. Develop your curiosity

Many great names in architecture have often created trends and inspired many great architects afterward. They should be a source of inspiration for you, and having this culture is essential to understand architectural drawing fully. Be curious, immerse yourself in the many existing works detailing the techniques of the greatest, you will broaden your horizon.

  1. Let your creativity speak

Getting inspired is essential, developing your style is essential. Architectural drawing should also allow you to express yourself, to let your imagination and creativity speak. Do not restrain yourself and let your hand run over its desires and the wanderings of your brain. It won’t necessarily give you effective drawing ideas at first, but it’s essential to release your ideas and then rework them. It is through this step that you will find your style and your signature.

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  1. Don’t leave the details to chance

A complete cool drawing takes into account all the details that make it deep, whether it is the foreground or background, or even the play of light and shadow. Dare to draw anything that helps you make your cool drawing come alive and believable. Feel free to trace a character’s skeleton, or the supporting lines of a shape, to help bring it to life on paper. Then erase what is unnecessary for the understanding of your cool drawing ideas.

In the next post, we will present you with some tips for making your portfolio. It is a question of taking care of the presentation and the content because it will constitute your graphic curriculum vitae. He will represent for the jury your personality, your centers of interest, and your potential.

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