Immunity-Boosting Foods

Eight Best Immunity-Boosting Foods

Food and Drink Health and Fitness

Best Immunity-Boosting Foods

Feeding your body a few kinds of foods can help keep the immune system strong. So, if you seek ways to ward off flu, colds, and other infections, then the first thing you need to do is visit a grocery store. Then, make sure you plan your meals in a manner that most certainly includes these immune system boosting foods in your diet.

Red Bell Peppers

If you think citrus fruits have maximum Vitamin C of the several fruits or vegetables, well, it is time you think again. Ounce for ounce, the red bell peppers have three times the Vitamin C present in the Florida orange. Moreover, red bell peppers are also an excellent source of beta carotene. In addition to boosting your immunity, Vitamin C can also help keep your skin healthy. Beta carotene that your body converts into Vitamin A helps keep your skin and eyes healthy.

‘While I was fighting the COVID-19 virus, I consumed a lot of red bell peppers. They did help me with the immunity,’ shares Aron, who works with EmbraceGardening. 

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is an excellent source of theobromine. Theobromine is an antioxidant, which helps boost your immunity and guards the body’s cells against free radicals.

Free radicals are the molecules that our body generates as it breaks down the food or comes in contact with the pollutants. Unfortunately, the free radicals tend to damage the body’s cells and will only amplify your chance of getting a disease. Dark chocolate indeed has an array of benefits, but they also have high-calorie content. More so, the saturated fat in dark chocolate is also high. Thus, it is vital to consume dark chocolate in moderation only.


In addition to being incredibly refreshing, Watermelon in its ripe form is also rich in antioxidants, such as glutathione. Glutathione helps boost your immunity and helps combat infections. To ensure that you get the maximum degree of glutathione from the Watermelon, you must consume the red pulpy flesh present near the rind.

‘For me, there is nothing better than Watermelon for immunity. It is a coolant, refreshing, and just great for my body,’ shares Nia, an online reviewer who did the fishing reel types review.


Turmeric is more than an incredible spice. It adds a delicious kick to your food and is also a rich source of curcumin. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory compound. It is the same compound, which is responsible for the signature golden yellow color of turmeric. In addition, curcumin is responsible for the activation and the production of the T-cells to help fight for your health and boost your immunity.

Button Mushrooms

Wondering what is the best inclusion in your diet to boost your immunity? Well, it is the button mushrooms. These are an excellent source of Vitamin B, such as niacin and riboflavin. More so, they also have a high selenium content. Both these vitamins and minerals present in button mushrooms are great for your immunity and help you stay in the best shape. In addition, mushrooms are also rich in sugar-like molecules, polysaccharides, which aid in your immune function.

‘Mushroom is one of the most flavourful fungi, which is incredibly famous for its savoury quality, which holds the ability to accentuate the flavour of so many dishes,’ shares Morris, who did the review for the best goatee trimmers. 

Do not know how to eat your mushrooms? You can pick any one of the following ways to enjoy these delicious fungi:

  1. Grilling, sauteing, and roasting the button mushrooms to help you achieve the savoury, rich flavour of the mushrooms.
  2. Mushrooms can be an excellent addition to your omelets and scrambled eggs.
  3. Take sliced mushrooms, and toss them on the lasagne, salads, and soups.
  4. Relish the portobello mushroom in your veg burgers.

Wheat Germ

This is a part of the wheat seed. The wheat germ is what feeds the little wheat plant. It is an excellent source of nutrients and is great for your immunity. You can add wheat germ to your diet to get B vitamins, antioxidants, and zinc in your diet. Further, it is also a rich source of protein and fiber, along with some healthy fat.

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All of these factors found in wheat germs can help strengthen your immunity and aid in combating infections. What’s more? Wheat germ can better the antioxidant activity in your body. These antioxidants are great for the body and will kill the body’s free radicals, which may be causing infections and diseases.

Sweet Potato and Carrots

Both carrots and sweet potatoes are excellent beta carotene sources. Beta carotene is a precursor of Vitamin A. The presence of beta carotene in the diet supplements the immune system and boosts the production of White Blood Cells, which help in combating the virus and bacteria.

Further, beta carotene can also aid the formation of the mucous membrane, which lines your respiratory tract. Thus, it is an excellent inclusion in the diet to keep germs at bay. With a baked sweet potato, you can get approximately 150 percent of your daily requirement of Vitamin A.

On the other hand, a cup of raw carrots can cater to your body’s complete recommended daily intake.

‘To fulfil my body’s Vitamin A requirement, I take some baked sweet potatoes and garnish them with some seeds and nuts. It tastes delicious and helps me fulfil my Vitamin E requirement. On some days, I even munch on carrots with healthy dips, such as tahini or nut butter,’ shares Becca, an online reviewer who wrote post on difference between one piece and two piece toilets. 

Citrus fruits

Anytime you suffer from a cold, cough, or flu, your first instinct is to add Vitamin C to your diet. Well, it is the right pick because Vitamin C does strengthen our immunity. Vitamin C stimulates the production of WBC, which aids in combating infections. Most of the citrus fruits have a high Vitamin C content. So, with a wide variety to pick from, you can conveniently add citrus fruits to all your meals.

Some citrus fruits that can be added to your diet are tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, clementine’s, and limes. Since the body does not produce Vitamin C on its own, it is vital to add these fruits to your diet to meet the body’s Vitamin C requirement.

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