Bubble Bump

Selecting Bubble Bump As An Activity For Children


Selecting Bubble Bump: With the advent of the Internet and the widespread use of electronic devices, children lack avenues of healthy and safe physical activity. All kids prefer to waste away hours upon hours glued to TV screens, Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Gaming Consoles. The Web holds such a strong appeal that it is hard to present something else that could grab their attention

However, it is well known that kids have the energy to burn, a surplus of enthusiasm that makes them want to run around, bump into things, chase each other and compete in fun games that give them ample reason to be physically active.

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Precisely here is where Bubble Bump Singapore comes in. It provides the perfect opportunity for kids to have a blast and at the same time not only associate with other kids of the same age but also build friendships and form ever-lasting bonds through an exciting game they’ll never forget.

Where To Play Bubble Bump Soccer in Singapore?

Bubble Bump Singapore provides the perfect spot for this as they have the best and highest quality equipment, highly-trained staff well-versed in the sport, its rules, and the process of conducting it as well as providing training to any and all participants no matter their age, gender or level of skill and talent. 

Why choose Bubble Bump As An Activity?

There are multiple compelling reasons to choose Bubble Bump Singapore as an activity for your kids any time of the year and for as many of them as you’d like. The reasons are:-

  • Builds Friendships

As kids, it is important to build friendships and form bonds with like-minded peers. How better to accomplish than by letting them participate in a friendly game of Bubble Bump where they can have a whole lot of fun while getting to know each other, build partnerships, gauge each other and become friends.

  • Teaches Life Lessons

In life, there are many harsh as well as positive lessons to be learned. As kids haven’t gotten to the stage where they can surmise these on their own, this is a perfect opportunity for them to learn.

  • Sharpens Thinking

Since Bubble Bump is a game of wits, everyone has to learn to utilize the best their minds have to offer. From figuring out how to get the ball into the net, how to avoid getting bumped, and who best to pass the ball to in order to maximize their chances of scoring, the game helps kids hone their intelligence and problem-solving skills.

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  • Improves Health

As lifestyles get increasingly sedentary due to the increasing influence of the Internet, children are getting lesser chances to be physically involved in something they would enjoy that would also help them grow and be healthier because physical activities are important growing up.

  • Makes them Sociable

If children do not have other kids to socialize with, they become more withdrawn and have trouble adjusting well into society especially as adults when teamwork, coordination, and interpersonal relationships become vital in the workplace whether they be for promotions and demotions or to work on large projects together.


While Bubble Bump Singapore is a great activity for people of all ages, genders, and levels of skills and talents, it is uniquely suited to kids and their needs as well as wants when growing up. 

To let children enjoy and have fun in such a great activity is doing them an immense favor because they’ll appreciate not just the time spent together but every single new skill they pick up while playing as well as all the friends they’ll be making along the way.

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