Simple Steps to Improve Your SEO Effectively

Internet and Businesses Online

SEO or search engine optimization strips down to how a search engine ranks your site in terms of usefulness. Google dominates the search engine space by 92.47 per cent so I’ll be focusing on Google Analytics.

Search engines scour the internet similarly to an index.

Google’s first page has 10 organic results. The top three searches get around 75.1% of the clicks. To be fair no one goes to the second page of their search.

Big money corporations get SEO services from SEO companies that aren’t feasible for new up-and-coming startups. I’ll discuss the nontechnical and basic tricks you could use to boost your SEO

Keep it in mind that SEO strategies keep on changing with time passing by so strategies effective in 2005 would be useless to us in 2021.

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The most critical requirement of improving your SEO is the quality of your content. It should be user-friendly and also to the point.

In Google’s Steps to a Google-friendly site, it is stated,

“Provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage. This is the single most important thing to do.”

For the quality of the content, we should keep a few things in mind. Make it skimmable. Most people are in a hurry to quickly get their information. Your content should be engaging. Also, make sure to have spaces in between paragraphs that help readers from not getting fatigued.

Make sure to link other related articles in your content. If your article is about SEO link articles to the best SEO service or SEO companies to get SEO from. This practice helps your bounce rate on Google analytics improving your SEO.

Have interesting metadata as it could help catch the reader’s eye. Normally google would do it for you too if it finds something better but try to write the best possible metadata.

Most importantly your content should be consistent and have great quality.

Use of graphics

Use relevant graphics in between text blocks considering it helps improve readability. Your graphics should be related to your topic. If you are writing about BBQ ensure your graphics are related to BBQ grills, BBQ ribs, etc.

Make sure that the graphics have a lower size so your site loads faster. It is known if your site doesn’t load faster reader tends to go back and clicks on other organic searches.

Importance of Keywords

Google’s Algorithms are based on 200+ factors. It keeps on changing on daily basis. AI is becoming more human-like.

Keyword tactics back in the day were to spam your content with keywords. It looked grotesque but as AI got better google tweaked its algorithms to get away from spamming keywords to improve SEO.

There are 4 major keywords types:

  • Navigational

    These refer to reaching a site. Let’s say if one wants to go to Twitter they’ll search for “Twitter” and they’ll get to Twitter. Easy.

  • Transactional:

    These refer to item names. If I would want to search for a specific model of a camera I would search for the exact model and get shown many organic searches to get my query solved.

  • Informational

    The majority of searches are based on informational keywords “How, how to, know”. The intent is to help fix problems.

As most clicks are on informational keywords you should target this space.

  • Investigational

    it is the counterpart to Informational keywords. These queries should lead to product pages instead of content pages. Give the readers direction and products to help them solve their queries.

Use keywords in the title and URL structure, It would make it easy for Google to index it and people to read your URL. Your keyword should be as close as it can be to the start of your title. Use keywords that may attract more traffic to your article.

Include keywords in the first paragraph of your article. But keep in mind don’t spam keywords as that will get you penalized and would affect your SEO negatively.

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Keyword Research

Use keyword tools to look for keyword data. Search for related keywords and look at the competition on those keywords.

Keyword research helps you analyze data on keywords. It shows hot keywords which could help you get more clicks. Or maybe you could analyze lower competition keywords which you could either avoid or because it is less competitive you could have those keywords in your articles enabling you to improve your SEO.


In conclusion, SEO helps you be shown on organic searches. There are more effective tricks but all of those are on the technical side of things. Make sure to have informative, to the point, and engaging content. Use relevant illustrations. Remember the significance of using keywords. Put some time in keyword research to get a look at the competition. These basic tips will help your SEO.

Remember, SEO takes time especially when doing it yourself so it can get frustrating when you don’t see immediate results. But if done properly results can last months or even years.

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